A unique craven brick walkway has been plant at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean by a platoon of marine experts. Videotape from the Exploration Vessel
Nautilus shows a strange- looking point in a region of the Papahnaumokuakea Marine National Monument known as Liliuokalani Ridge, which is located in the Pacific Ocean.
The brick construction resembles a cobblestone path, and one experimenter calls it"the way to Atlantis,"while another describes it as" crazy
The cobblestone road-suchlike point was plant in the Papahnaumokuakea Marine National Monument (PMNM) on the Pacific Ocean's Liliuokalani Ridge.Scientists know veritably little of the ocean bottom under the (PMNM), which is bigger than all public premises in the US combined.
What may look like a" unheroic brick road"to the fabulous megacity of Atlantis is really an illustration of ancient active stormy geology! Our Corps of Exploration have witnessed incredibly unique and fascinating geological conformations while diving on the Liliʻuokalani Ridge within Papahānaumokuakea Marine National Monument.,” according to the caption of the YouTube videotape.
The" unique" structure of rock cracks that give it its cobbled appearance is likely the consequence of repeated heating and cooling over time as a result of several stormy eruptions, the experts said.
According to the experimenters, the major goal of their most recent passage was sample collection in order to identify the geologic origin and age of mounts in order to ameliorate knowledge of the creation of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.